Ushbu noyob dastur sizga mijozlar foydasining 40% gacha, shuningdek, umr bo'yi daromad ulushini olish imkonini beradi.

Pul ishlashni boshlash

Bizning afzalliklarimiz


Komissiya turlari: CPA, Hybrid, RevShare, CPL, CPI

Biz hamkorlar uchun barcha mumkin bo'lgan komissiya turlar bilan ishlaymiz

Promotional materials

Promo-materiallarining katta to'plami

Biz barcha standart formatlar va o'lchamlar bilan ishlaymiz. Promo materiallarini doimiy ravishda yangilab turish

Present box

Jalb qilingan o'yinchilar uchun eksklyuziv bonuslar

Siz qancha ko'p o'yinchilarni olib kelsangiz, sizning komissiya foizingiz shunchalik yuqori bo'ladi


Bir nechta tillarda kechayu0kunduz qo'llab-quvvatlash

Bizning qo'llab-quvvatlash jamoamiz har doim mavjud. Har qanday savol berishdan qo'rqmang

Bank card

Hamkorlarga qulay va tez to'lovlar

Biz to'lovlarni to'lov shartlariga muvofiq hech qanday kechikishlarsiz amalga oshiramiz

Control panel

Haqiqiy vaqt statistikasi

Statistik ma'lumotlar har daqiqada yangilanadi, bu sizga natijalarni real vaqtda ko'rish imkonini beradi


Komissiya turlari: CPA, Hybrid, RevShare, CPL, CPI

Biz hamkorlar uchun barcha mumkin bo'lgan komissiya turlar bilan ishlaymiz

Mahsulotni tanlang va pul ishlashni boshlang


Sport har doim jamiyatda muhim o'rin egallagan bo'lib, o'yin-kulgi, raqobat va ijtimoiylashuvni ta'minlaydi. Sportga garov muxlislarga ushbu zavqli dunyoga yanada chuqurroq kirib borish imkonini beradi.


Sport har doim jamiyatda muhim o'rin egallagan bo'lib, o'yin-kulgi, raqobat va ijtimoiylashuvni ta'minlaydi. Sportga garov muxlislarga ushbu zavqli dunyoga yanada chuqurroq kirib borish imkonini beradi.


Working with Melbet is easy, straightforward and all in all - fun & rewarding. We can only speak very highly of how they manage their affiliate program.

Melbet is a great addition to our casino offer - it draws attention and is a loved brand to our visitors. It works great in the target goelocations. The affiliate service is great, we really appreciate our helpful manager.

Working with Melbet is easy, straightforward and all in all - fun & rewarding. We can only speak very highly of how they manage their affiliate program.

Hamkorlik dasturi foydalanuvchisi ko'rsatmalari

Quyidagi qoʻllanma sizni MelBet Partners bilan samarali hamkorlik qilish yoʻliga olib boradi. Hamkorlik platformasi soddalik va ishonchlilikni hisobga olgan holda ishlab chiqilgan, buni tez orada bilasiz.

Bizning hamorlarimiz



How are payments made?

Your commission will be automatically transferred to your Affiliate account every Tuesday, but only if the amount exceeds 30 USD, which is the minimum amount for withdrawal. If an Affiliate has not accrued this amount, the funds will be automatically carried over to the following month until the required amount has been accrued. Any negative balance is also carried over to the next month.

How much can I earn?

There is no answer to that question - it all depends on your efforts. Many of our Affiliates make tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Why is my Earnings balance negative?

Sometimes players win, and therefore under the revenue share model, both the Affiliate and the betting company bear losses. Negative balances are offset by the revenue earned from the losses of other players, so to be in the black you need to increase the number of converted customers.

What are the affiliate payment models?

Our affiliate payment models include:

  1. RevShare. You will be getting from 25% of the revenue of the betting company as a standard.

  2. CPA - a fixed rate paid for each player who has completed specified actions.

  3. The referral system allows an Affiliate to earn additional revenue from other Affiliates that they have recruited to join our Affiliate Program. An Affiliate who is referred by another Affiliate is called a sub-affiliate. The Affiliate will receive a 3% commission of the sub-affiliate's total profit.


Pul ishlashni boshlash